Lifestyle – Take Back Your Life & Live It YOUR Way

Dependent on working a JOB or Living Your Dream… The Choice Is Your

Far too many people find their potential for a fulfilled & creative life restricted because their life is centered around their job. They have to plan their life, family, even their health around a job. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Work should and can be altered so IT’S done around your life instead.

Many modern businesses are introducing flexible hours and working from home, especially large corporations. This can be good step, but still leaves a lot to be desired. You are still working for someone else’s dream. To be truly free to live your own life, other steps must be taken.

Having your own business, if done right, can allow you to live your own life and make a nice income in the process. Your income is not dictated by someone else. You can choose when to work and how to work. A lot of skills don’t require being and doing in person, so it’s possible to work from home, on your phone or even on the go.


What holds many people back from the freedoms of having their own business is the stories of so many who find themselves working longer hours self-employed than if they had a job. And sure, if managed incorrectly, that can happen where you own a job instead of have a business that thrives and expands.

It will look different for everyone and you must find what works for you. Then and only then can it expand into a profitable (in all ways to everyone) business for everyone involved.  The more heart-based it is and the more value you give, the more you receive.

The question is WHAT!  That’s where Finding Your Voice and the past 5 months of posts come in. Ask yourself what makes you tick? What you love to do and share? What makes you excited and your heart smile? I read a couple fantastic books that helped me clarify it called Expert Secrets and 4-Hour Work Week. They helped me lay my lifestyle to paper so I had a path and a way to get there. Start there and go back through the posts, then join my private Facebook group, Limitless Creatives and let’s discover what shines for you!

I find that the right support can make all the difference. One of our themes last month was modeling the masters – learning from those who have achieved what you desire and following in their steps. Find those who are living the flexible and free life you want, find out how they did it paired with what fires you up  go and do it yourself!

There are so many different options from real estate, network marketing, affiliate marketing, products, art to name a few, but it really is what’s best for you, what will get you there the fastest, what’s buildable

This journey can be just as scary as it is exciting. Having the right people and support in your corner is huge. The need to earn money to live is very powerful. That’s why it’s important to take small steps over time, and not just jump into this. Allow for the learning curve and give yourself the time needed to figure out what is best for you.

You do not want to suddenly resign from your job and then plan how to earn money in your own way. You need to do things in reverse order. This will mean working some evenings and weekends, getting things in place. But the ultimate goal and destination is working much less, wherever you choose and only when YOU want to.

By taking small steps also gives you the chance to learn, adapt & change. Nothing is a smooth ride, and by taking things slow, you’re able to adjust accordingly and keep yourself on track.

There are other ways also that I discovered that helped me on my own journey to Total Freedom and made the ride a little smoother. I feel it got me there much faster as well.

I constantly grab a bottle of essential oils such as Live Your Passion & Magnify Your Purpose that kept me moving forward with intent & purpose, as well as Crystals like Fluorite, Clear Quartz, Citrine & Aventurine will help you to maintain positivity & optimism on your journey, whilst supporting clear thinking.

Crystal Clear ClarityEssential Oils & Crystals are my main “Go-To” to support a vibrant, purpose driven life and give me the power and strength I need to take the next scary step – and it can be confusing which oils & which crystals do what and pairing them together is powerful when you know which to use together. This why I’ve created Crystal Clear Clarity, an eBook designed to provide you with all of the information you’ll need to discover what is best for you.  To get your free copy, just click the link and I’ll send it right over to you!


You can read the pillar post from May that is our main topic for this whole month, How Do You Grow Your Creative Voice Into The Life You Choose?   My goal is to support you in finding your voice. These are the ways that have made the biggest difference with me becoming solid on my voice and direction. I am posting this whole month on my Facebook Page, Creatively Lisa specifically on Finding Your Voice and using different oils and crystals in to support and empower you.

JOIN my FREE Facebook Group Limitless Creatives and discover how you can become limitless and live creatively YOUR way!

For Me, It Is About Inspiring Confident Creativity to Step into Purpose & Live Outside the Lines…


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